Go Green With Common Around the House Improvements
When teaching someone ‘how-to’ do something, it is important to begin with a simple approach. That is, if wanting to help someone reduce their water bill, don’t get stuck on shopping for sinks, toilets, accessories, etc. The ‘how-to’ conserve water is the meat and potatoes of the given subject. As shown in the following example, the teacher can easily prompt the student to help with the lesson, adding to the list of water saving tips the teacher is providing. When teachers interact with their students, it becomes more of a joint effort that allows for mutual understanding of a topic. If the student has been given sufficient information that can be easily applied, the student can then become the teacher for the next student.
Save some green…GO GREEN. There are many small improvements around your home that can save you large amounts of money across time. It can seem like your water bill dollars are swirling right down the drain with your water. Try these cost effective tips: 1. don’t leave the water running while you are multitasking. For example, if you need to turn away from the sink to get some dishes from the cabinet, turn off the water until you are ready to use it again.2. When water remains in a pot where it was boiled, after it cools put it in the dog’s dish or use it to fill up ice packs. 3. Consider an energy efficient toilet that uses half of your current toilet’s water usage. Most older models use 7 gallons to flush once. The energy efficient toilets use 3.5 gallons. While the cost for these newer toilets are usually double your current toilet’s price, some starting at $300., the money saved across time can be phenomenal. 4. The sink aerators that fit where the water stream exits the faucets cut water usage tremendously. The water flow appears not to have changed however the aerators can save around 1/3 of water per minute. These improvements are simple. A few examples are a wrench for the toilet or the ability to screw one water aerator off and screw the other one on. As the savings add up, during an average day of chores the water saved could equal a free car wash from your hose, a bath for each of your three dogs; enough water to drench your grass and outdoor plants and flowers; a few buckets to clean off the porch; and enough water to fill up the kiddie pool.